Planning to embark on your first family gateway? Are you ready to travel the longest trip of your life? Traveling hits differently when you have got toddlers in the back seat. It can be a challenging task to keep entertained throughout the journey. From snacks to entertainment, parents are required to come prepared.

Occupying little passengers isn’t easy as the attention span isn’t great. But worry not! Explore these fun activities to keep your little kiddos happy and engaged.

Before we dive into the blog, ensure you have traveling gear to help you throughout the journey. Mainly, you need car seats for toddlers, a dual-function carry cot cum car seat for your newborn, and a stroller for toddling kiddos.

Travel Journaling

Traveling with toddlers in the back seat can be exhausting especially if they don’t have enough entertainment.

Trips are fun, but traveling is where everything becomes messy. To ensure your tiny kiddies enjoy the road trips, get them a cute little diary with a bunch of stationery items. Ask them to draw places they visited, something they found interesting, people they met, and some cards or maps.

This way your little ones will get busy with their journaling and pour their experiences into their dairies. If they couldn’t draw, give them prompts to pour down their thoughts. Trips can be a great way for your kids to unleash their creative side. Just make sure the car seats are comfy and cushy for the long route.

If you are done with the complicated installation of car seats, give Tinnies Car Seats a try as it makes the installation hassle-free and quick.

Word Association

Games are always fun, especially if it’s played with your little ones. Word Association is one the easiest yet most fun. To kick start this game, say a random word like “fireworks” aloud, and the next person has to quickly say another word that is associated with it.

As the cycle gets into the flow, it will get faster and more fun. Your little kiddies are going to love this game.

Would You Rather?

Kiddies are always up for games! “Would you rather?” is one of the funniest games. There can question about impossible things, gross stuff, thought-provoking or quick questions.

As a parent, you can start the game and let the little pumpkins in the back seat take their turn and make it more with their interesting questions.

Story Time While Traveling

Road trips are all about connecting, especially if you have kiddies on board. Kids get bored quickly if something doesn’t fulfill their curiosity, thus to spicy things up and fuss away, tell them bits and pieces of your life.

Kids love hearing their parent’s stories, especially when it resembles their tiny crimes. You can share a funny story or about adventure in school or college days.

Books While Traveling

Kids love story books. Thus, don’t forget to pack your little one’s favorite stories to keep their mind off the fuss. Once they are all done with other activities, try out reading books aloud to them.

If you are traveling with more than one kiddo, it’s a great trick to take their mind off sibling quarrels. There is another way, you can keep teeny-weeny entertained with audiobooks. Download some fun stories on your tablet or phone and voila! You are all sorted for the rest of your trip.

Wrapping Up…                           

Try out these 5 fun activities and make traveling enjoyable for your little kiddies. As they create memories by pouring their hearts into their travel journals to playing classic games.

If these activities work for your munchkins, you know what you need to do the next time you need another family trip.