Ready to give your little one the gift of strong muscles? Start with position play! While it may seem daunting, tummy time doesn’t have to be a struggle with a colorful and plushy Tinnies Playgym on your side.

How Long Should Tummy Time Last?

Often parents are left wondering how long their little ones should be spending on their tummy. The good news is that there’s no magic number, and the duration of tummy time can vary depending on your baby’s age and ability. It can be between a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of 10 minutes.

Why Tummy Time is Important?

The sooner you start, the better! Belly time is essential for little ones to develop skills. Following are the reasons, why you should prioritize tummy exercise for your little one;

Builds A Stable Base For Feed with Tummy Time

Tummy exercise is an efficient workout for little ones to digest and eliminate food. With the ability to maintain an upright seated position, it will help your baby to build upper body strength and posture control for early feeding sessions.

Tracks Gross Motor Milestones – Related To Feeding And Speech

It helps in accomplishing all the cute and much-awaited motor milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling. Often, little ones’ oral motor movements mimic their body movements simultaneously.

For instance, when baby crawls, side-to-side movements also happens inside their mouth and this new movement in their mouth allows them to graduate from eating purees to soft foods.

Develops Respiratory Control

Initially, lay little ones in play gyms only for a brief period. It will allow your baby to coordinate their breathing for effective speaking and safe food swallowing.

Tummy Time For Perfect Bonding

Belly exercise is a great way to bond with your little ones, get to their level, and lay with them. Fetch your camera and capture cute moments as your little buddy stretches around.
Try to engage with your little one with toys or by playing with them to ensure their every muscle is used in it.

Wrapping Up…

Belly Time is an essential activity that can help your little one build the strength and skills they need to reach their full potential.